Canadian Consulting Engineer

Concrete industry targets carbon neutrality by 2050

September 1, 2020

The commitment is the first of its kind on a global level.


Photo courtesy GCCA.

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has launched a joint industry statement on behalf of 40 of its members, outlining their ambition to deliver carbon-neutral concrete by 2050.

Dubbed the ‘2050 climate ambition,’ the statement outlines an industry commitment to tackle the challenge of driving down the carbon footprint of the world’s most widely used manmade material.

“We are making this commitment today so our industry aligns with global targets, including the Paris Agreement,” says Dinah McLeod, GCCA chief executive. “This journey will be challenging, but we are fully committed to working with partners and stakeholders across the industry and supply chain.”

To achieve carbon-neutral concrete, the statement calls for:

  • reducing and eliminating direct energy-related emissions.
  • maximizing co-processing of waste from other industries.
  • reducing and eliminating indirect energy emissions through renewable electricity sources.
  • reducing process emissions through new technologies and carbon capture at scale.
  • reducing the content of clinker in cement.
  • reducing the content of cement in concrete.
  • more efficient use of concrete in buildings and infrastructure.
  • reprocessing concrete from construction and demolition waste to produce recycled aggregates for further concrete manufacturing.
  • harnessing concrete’s ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.


The milestone statement represents the first time this industry has come together globally to work toward such a goal, but builds upon the longstanding climate commitments and sustainability progress of GCCA member companies and affiliate associations, reportedly including a 19% reduction in CO2 emissions per tonne of cementitious material—and ninefold increase in alternative fuel use—since 1990.

GCCA’s member companies are now developing detailed actions and milestones to achieve its ambition. A 2050 concrete road map is due to be published in late 2021.

For more details, click here.



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